The global hunger for energy is an every-present subject nearly every single day. As component suppliers for preparation of coal from open-cast mining, the Neuenhauser star screens have now been used in various countries for years. A matching coarse screen must often be used upstream in order to protect the stars from large fragments in the input material. This task is taken over by the new Poly-HD heavy-duty disc screen.
The Poly-HD is built extremely robust. This is reflected by the machine's weight. A single screen shaft does, after all, weigh about 500 kg! The input material is transported horizontally across the entire screen deck.
The separation area in the Poly-HD is formed by rotating shafts equipped with discs that transport the supplied material, actively circulate it and loosen it up. The fine share is separated in the gap between the individual rollers. The coarse material/oversize grain is transported into the screen overflow via the discs and supplied to further processing there.
The screen box can be produced in many different lengths, widths, gap widths and designs depending on the type of application. Active screening out prevents the screen from getting stuck or clogged. The discs are pushed onto a square shaft and can be exchanged individually.
Depending on the size of the screen box, the drive takes place via one or several electrical motors. Between the motor and the drive shaft, there is a special impact damper coupling that takes over the force transmission.
Result: The Poly-HD heavy-duty disc screen has diverse uses – specifically where an active screening process is required to treat heavy materials, such as coal, slags, recycling materials, natural stone, plaster and other materials.